

我考过一次雅思,是6.5分,我的方法也许能帮助你。 我写作和口语都是6 ,听力7 阅读8 作文我是自己练习的(因为我觉得去上作文班浪费时间而且效果不一定好),我练习的方法就是看《100篇经典范文》然后模仿其中的文章,最后整理出自己的模板。






I prefer to live in a flat for several reasons. The foremost reason why I like living in a flat is that it is more suitable for my lifestyle. I always spend a long time in my office during the week and come home late, so most the time I only have limited time to do the house cleaning work. And, my flat is relatively easy to clean because the living area is small, so, I can manage it just in a short period of time. In addition, there is a small garden in my flat, and I feel relaxed when I do some gardening in my spare time, instead of spending time working on that huge yard as in a house. Another reason is that a flat is more affordable. A flat is generally cheaper than a house, which is more space than I need. Although I am not short of money for a house, it is a waste of money to me. As is shown above, it is obvious that a flat is a better choice for my life.
