这个问题在北方冬天来加拿大的宝宝应该会很有感触,因为国内都有集中供热啊,所以完全不能想象没有暖气的日子是怎么过的!但是其实加拿大的很多房子是没有热水的哦,有空调的房子也是凤毛麟角… 不过虽然我家不是中央空调,但好在是独立屋(Townhouse)的二楼,楼上楼下各有一间卧室,我们住在一楼~所以我仍然要单独解释一下为什么有独立的空调的房间会比没有空调房间的人舒服…… 因为我男朋友家住的是Cottage嘛~所以一楼就只有客厅和厨房而已啦。而且这个房子也已经有几十年历史了,所以连个空调都没有哈哈~于是我在那里度假的时候真的受够了冬凉夏热的地窖生活哈哈哈 所以现在终于搬进了自己的大House以后,我就立志一定要让这栋房子有个可以夏天制冷冬天制热的全套配置!
首先当然是要买空调喽! 在Canada, you’ll find that air conditioners are called heaters in Canada because they do the opposite of what we call an Air Conditioner. And it should be noted that not all heating or cooling systems are created equally! Depending on your location and where your house is built, many old houses don't have central air conditioning, so if this is something important to consider before buying a home, always ask! Some older homes will only have wall units, but most newer ones now come with whole-home ducted systems which can include split units like those shown above as well as more advanced systems like these mini-splits below! These mini splits are great for areas without central A/C systems since they allow you to cool down one room at a time rather than letting cold air seep into every area of your home through open windows.
The reason I love mini splits (and why their price tags aren't exactly “mini”) is that unlike traditional heat pumps, they operate year round instead of depending solely on outside temperature! So even when temperatures drop far below freezing in winter, mini splits still work! Of course, there are downsides to using them too; while the system uses less energy than traditional ductwork systems, fans use power and sometimes compressors break down, costing thousands of dollars to replace! There may also be additional costs per month for running a condenser unit outdoors, which must release heat back into the atmosphere.
Another option would be to purchase a window air conditioner like my boyfriend used to live with — although it does take up two feet of counter space, it is quite efficient if you have a lot of windows facing north where there isn't much direct sunlight to gain heat from! For people wanting to reduce their dependency on electricity, solar air conditioning systems might make