关于GTE, 可以看看我的知乎专栏文章: GTE(Genuine Temporary Entrant)是澳大利亚的移民签证,尤其是技术移民申请时必备的一个文件(某些州或地区的提名签证也有要求)。这个GTE实际上和签证申请人需要解释为什么去澳大利亚的目的是临时性的,以及他们为什么要去澳大利亚而不是更接近的地方的原因。 GTE的内容包括:
1. 为什么选择澳大利亚;
2. 选择澳大利亚的目的及时间长度;
3. 在澳大利亚逗留期间的计划和行动安排(包括何时开始工作、在何处学习等);
4. 如何能证明其移民计划的合理性;
5. 有无移民倾向。
一、申请人已经获得澳大利亚的技术移民签证,要申请另一类澳大利亚的非公民身份如永久居民(PR)。这种时候的GTE通常被称为Second GTEs(sGTE),因为申请人已经有入境签证,所以他们必须证明他们是真正的短期居留者以维持他们的非公民地位。
二、申请人申请澳大利亚技术类移民签证,这类的GTE称为First GTEs, 因为它是作为申请人申请签证的必要条件。
三、有些类型的签证不需要GTE,例如:600旅游签/485毕业生工作签证/309/100配偶签/820/801结婚签证...等等,这些就不属于本GTE攻略的范围了。另外要注意的是, 如果GTE适用于某个签证的申请,那么它应该在该申请的整个过程中始终适用。
A good First GTE is not written to please the Immigration officials; rather, it must be a true reflectionof your life experiences and aspirations at present time as well as how they all tie in together with your migration intentions clearly. It should also cover most of what an immigration officer may ask during his or her assessment process (for example, why Australia? Why now? What's next after you arrive here? etc). A good First GTE answers these questions persuasively while still being logical. In other words, do not write anything that would look like lying or trying too hard to convince others.
Here are some tips on writing a convincing GTE:
As mentioned above, there will always be one reason why people migrate from their home country,and this is usually related to work. So if you’re thinking about migrating, then think: "Why am I considering leaving my current job and possibly family for years?" The answer might lie somewhere within yourself — maybe you want more money,more freedom,or simply better lifestyle than where you were born into. Whatever reason you come up with, you can use them as your core points when answering the question “why Australia?” For instance: You have been working for XXXX Company for last ten years(with high