


在商场:How much is this jacket?这件夹克衫多少钱?What colour is it?什么颜色?它可以缩水吗?Can I try it on?我可以试试吗?Where is the restroom?洗手间在哪里?I'm looking for a gift for my mother.给我母亲买件礼物.

在饭店:What can I get for you?你要点什么呢?Would you like to have Lunch/Dinner?你要吃中餐/西餐?I'd like a hamburger and a coke.我要一个汉堡包和一杯可乐.Where's the men's room?男厕所在哪?Is it checked out?有人用过吗?

在路边:Where are you going?你要到哪里去?Can I give you a lift?我可以载你一段吗?I'm off to the shops.我去购物.I'll see you tonight.当晚见。


这衣服怎么回事?(指有损坏的衣服):This shirt is torn.这件衫有破损。This trouser is missing a button.这条裤子少钮扣了。I want to return this skirt.我要退货这条短裙。How much will I be charged for that?那我需付多少钱呢?

这个颜色有货吗?:Is this colour in stock?这个颜色有货吗?Yes,it's on the third floor.有,在三楼。

这衣服是什么面料的?:What is this made of?这衣服是什么面料的?It's wool.是全羊毛的。

可以给我试一下吗?:Can I try it on?可以给我试一下吗?Of course!当然可以!Have you got a smaller size?你有小号的吗?No,but the salesman will be back in a few minutes.没有,不过售货员几分钟后就回来。

这件衣服太长了:This dress is too long.这件女袍太长。The trousers are too long.这条裤子也长。

这件衣服太短了:This T-shirt is too short.这件字母衫太裤了。


对不起:I'm sorry./Excuse me./Pardon me./I beg yourpardon./What I mean is...请原谅,对不起,失陪了,请说一遍。

请问你叫什么名字?:May I ask your name,please?请问你家住哪?:May I know where you live,please?麻烦你,请帮我开一下门:Please open the door for me,please!

我走了:I'm leaving./I'm off./I'm away.我走了,对不起,有事请打电话给我。/再见!/我要走了:I'm off!/It's time for me to move on!/I've got to get along.

没关系:Never mind./That's all right./It doesn't matter./It's okay.没关系,不要介意,别伤心,没关系。

还有其它英语吗?:Do you have any other English?你不能说英语吗?:Can't you speak English?你懂英语吗?:Do you understand English?你会读英语吗?:Can you read English?你学过英语吗?Have you studied English?你会写英语吗?Can you write English?你知道怎么拼写英语吗?Do you know how to spell English?
