

2014年的旧帖,现在看看还是很有意思的~~ 以下是美国护照上所写的: 我是X,美利坚合众国公民. 我将前往任何地方,除非那里禁止我进入,或我的存在会受到威胁,或以其他方式损害美国的利益. 当我被拒绝入境时,我将遵循有关原因和适用法律的规定.我将不会试图逃避逮捕;相反地我会服从并尊重该国当局. 我将支持及遵守所有我所到之地的法律与法规,不论该地是否与美国相同. 在我的旅程中,我将会保护环境,并珍惜当地的文化和传统。 美国国务院以及所有联邦机构对于我可能受到不公正待遇或面临危险一事均概不负责。 如果我想在美国永久居住,请参考URL。 以上由XXX于YYY年ZZZ月AAA日签署(签名日期) 注意:此处的“XX”为申请人的生日,例如如果申请人是1980/07/30出生,那么此处就是0730; “YYY”为美国建国年份1776; “ZZZ” 为建国后的第多少年(Year of our Independence);而“AAA”则为申请人的出生年份,如申请人出生于1980年,则应该是1980。 (在签发给儿童的护照上,最后两个数字不是他们的年龄)

下面是加拿大护照上的: I, [NAME OF PASSPORT APPLICANT] hereby declare that I have read and understood the contents of this passport, including information about the right to appeal the rejection or revocation by a Canadian authorities, as well as any other rights conferred on me by law. I also understand that my name is listed in the passport database maintained by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (“IRCC”) which contains personal data collected pursuant to IRCC’s legislation relating to passports and identification cards for travelling purposes, immigration matters and national security. In particular, it may be disclosed without my consent to police services, federal, provincial 和 local governments, foreign governments, international organizations, private sector entities and others carrying out law enforcement activities, immigration investigations, national security examinations, or other authorized inquiries. The use of these names and other personally identifying information contained herein may reveal the identity of the individual to whom they relate, and thus violate their privacy. While holding all rights provided under applicable laws, I voluntarily waive those specific rights related to certain collection, use and disclosure of this sensitive information by IRCC at its absolute discretion with respect to this passport application, including but not limited to the following:

The right to challenge IRCC decisions regarding the refusal to issue an application-based travel document or a decision to refuse to provide additional information necessary for issuing such documents, whether before administrative tribunals or otherwise; The right to request from IRCC access to records pertaining to the application process held by employees working in its Passport Services Section; As


我申请过澳大利亚、日本、新加坡的,还有加拿大,美国的没有写过。 首先说一下美国签证吧! 美国B1/2签证是两年多次往返,每次有效期为6个月。在护照背面的签证处盖上两章即可入境,每章上会写明“停留时间”和"有效期限"。比如下图所示,我在90天内只可以在美国居留4个月的时间并且要在次年5月3日以前离境,也就是8月到第二年的3月份在美国待满一年或者少于一年的时间。


