这个问题的本质其实是问,有没有可能让考官在评分的时候,改变因为题目难度而做出的最终成绩判断。 答案当然是有的,但是可能性极小。 因为题目难不难其实是在比较主观的判断上加上了一份客观的标准,即同一场考试考生答题情况,这个数据是绝对真实的。
如果由于题目难,你拿到了低于预期的分数,那么你可以和考官提出你的异议,并且提供你认为是合理的理由(比如你之前未遇到过的题目卡住了)。但如果考官认可了你的说法,就会帮你改回正确的分数。 但这种情况只会在极少数的情况下出现,且对考生的英语水平要求极高。
对于大多数考生来说,还是应该专注于发挥自己的水平,而不是把运气寄托在极为偶然的事件上。 事实上,大部分的考生都反映雅思口语的难易和往年一样,并没有特别难的题目。所以如果考前做好充分的准备,心态平稳地面对考官,一般都能发挥出应有的水平。
1. Do you like cooking/doing dishes /cleaning the house?
2. What is yourfavorite food and why?
3. Name three healthy foods that you love to eat!
4. Should we eat less meat?
5. Is vegetarianism a good idea for us?
6. Are there many vegetarians in your country?
7. Why do you want to go on a diet this month?
8. When was the last time you took a vacation? 9. Where did you go on your last vacation?
10. Did you take any new pictures or videos on holiday?
11. Tell me about one of these photos/videos.
12. Were you nervous when you were giving this presentation?
13. Was it difficult to make some parts of this presentation? 为什么不关注我 @雅思君