ETH,巴塞尔大学,苏黎世联邦理工学院……这些都是可以去的,具体专业的话要看你本科学的是什么,然后结合你的兴趣去选择。 比如你是学化学的,那么可以去的学校就有ETH(生物,物理和数学方向都有)、伯尔尼大学(生物)和圣加伦大学(化学)等。这些大学的官网里都可以找到具体专业的列表。
以ETH为例,它是这样介绍自己的: ETH Zürich is a science and technology university with a focus on engineering, mathematics, natural sciences and the most modern technologies. We offer bachelor’s (BSc), master’s (MSc) as well as doctoral programs to about 19,000 students with very high acceptance rates among our applicants——20% of whom are international candidates from more than 110 countries around the world. In terms of applications, we receive over 45,000 annually for all available programmes, which makes us one of the most selective universities in Europe. All programmes at ETH Zurich are taught entirely in German or French. 在这个网页上还可以查到各个系所的需求量以及录取率。 以生物化学系为例,该系一共提供了7个Master's Programs。 具体的专业设置可以在我们的网上找到。 每个学期新生报到的时候都会有学校安排的迎新会,会上有学院的院长和系所的主任给大家讲解这个专业的情况和未来的发展方向等等,还会回答学生们的问题。所以不用担心对专业不了解或者语言问题听不懂老师讲课。