

关于入境答问,是加拿大移民局考察入境者是否符合合法入境资格的重要步骤之一。 如果在入境时未能如实回答问题,或在入境时被怀疑移民身份,则可能被拒绝入境。 入境者需要按照实际情况回答问题。如果不知道或不能确定答案,可以诚实表示自己的情况。

1. Why are you going to Canada? 这个问题是有关入境目的的询问,比如“探亲”、“旅游”或者“学习”等。这个问题的答案是入境者对自身真实情况的客观陈述。如果移民官认为其理由不合理或不真实,可能会拒人入境或以非法工作等为由将申请人遣返。

2. Do you have any family or friends inCanada? This is another typicalquestion asked by immigration officers, which may help them further verify the purpose of an applicant’s visit if it turns out that his/her relative lives there. If so, they will ask for contact details such as name and address. They might also request more information on how long these people have been living in Canada, what they do for a living etc. The answers provided should be truthful and factual.

3. How long will you stayin Canada? Immigrationofficers usually require applicants to applyfor a specific period of time when applying fora visa. Therefore, this question is fairlystraightforward; however, some applicants maywant to extend their stay, either becausethey need longer to explore the countryor they want to work until receivingtheir permanent residence status.In this case,you must provide evidence showingwhy your original plan has changedand give reasons why extending yourstay at the present moment would not violate regulations. It is important to note here that even though many applications for extensions are approved, it may still be risky to overstay, since it will make you liable of committing the crime of illegal staying. Furthermore, youwill not only face difficultieswhen leaving the country later but could also face legal consequences while residing illegally within Canadian borders. Hence, carelessness can have serious repercussions, including possible arrest and removal from Canada by local authorities.

4. When did you arriveinthe U.S.? Where were you comingfrom prior to arriving inthe United States? What wasthe reason behind your travelto the US? Is it true that all travelers entering into Canada, whether citizens of foreign countries or residents of other North American nations(such as Mexico)must show valid passports issuedby their homelands government? These questions serve different purposes and


1. 在我看来,入境问答其实就是一个形式而已——在准备文件以及回答问题的时候多花点功夫就行了; 2. 移民官问任何问题(无论是否有关联性)都一定要如实回答,不要有任何掩饰或者欺骗的行为。因为如果被识破了撒谎,后果会很严重。

3. “你为什么想要来加拿大?”答:“我的梦想是要成为一名有成就的运动员!”“为什么你选择橄榄球而不是足球呢?”答:“我在大学是玩橄榄球的哦~我是以橄榄球球员的身份移民来的哦~所以我有资格申请参加加国联赛呀~” “那你的橄榄球场在哪里呢?”答:“我们是在西岸的一个小岛上举行的比赛啦~~~不过我会努力训练的哦~~~~”……………………

4. 如果您有什么问题想问我也可以在留言板上直接提出哦~~
