

UWIs(University of Wales,Institute of Science and Technology)的林科非常有名,在英国乃至世界都享有盛誉。 The University's Forest Research is the largest centre for forestry and wood science research in Europe. 我们的森林研究是在欧洲最大的林业和木材科学研究校区之一。 We carry out world-class basic and applied research into all aspects of forest, wood and tree science to underpin sustainable development

Our mission is to be international leaders across academia,business and policy in supporting global sustainability through science, technology and innovation UWIs在学术界、企业和政策领域都是国际领先的。通过科学、技术和创新推动全球可持续发展是我们的使命。 We work with partners around the globe on issues such as biodiversity, water scarcity, climate change, air pollution, wood security and green economy. 我们与全球的伙伴共同解决生物多样性的难题,水资源短缺,气候变化,空气污染,木材安全和绿色经济等。
